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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

1984: Girls ...

Following on from the last entry, which was a love-letter to Sir Clive Sinclair's not forgotten wonder machine the ZX Spectrum comes another important event of 1984.

Yes 1984 was the year the Crow discovered girls! Somehow until then it was as if half the members of his school wore cloaking devices. But this was the year they became decloaked ... alas metaphorical rather than physically.

In nature a male animal will often try and ensnare a female mate by demonstrating his prowess, talents and abilities…

However by a cruel twist of fate, the Crow was convinced that in much the same way he could woo his object of affection by demonstrating to them his superior knowledge of computers, science and technology. Needless to say this was not a good year for dating!

The Crow would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the following,
  • Heather Fearing – I would like to apologise for asking you out on a date to see Arthur C. Clarke’s 2010. Of course I was so insensitive, and should have suggested you come over to see 2001: A Space Odyssey first!
  • Claire Fryer and Rebecca Gostelow – did I really try to prove to you how groovy I was by telling you all the details of the latest NASA mission? I guess I just thought the pair of you were out of this world. Although to be fair, Rebecca did hail from the far away and exotic sounding Ashby de la Zouch (probably found on the French Riviera somwhere, I really should Google map it sometime) ...
  • Emma Harrison – it took me until 1992 to figure out your request about me inserting my 6 inches into your slot was NOT regarding a floppy disk drive problem. Has the offer expired?

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...


Blogger Rigger Mortice said...

White crow for some reason I am not surprised.I nearly cried.....with laughter.

11:47 am


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