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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Mars: More NASA lies?

NASA's new Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has returned it’s first pictures from the Red Planet, only for the NASA propaganda machine to spin into it’s usual prepared stories.

The official story on the picture above from the official NASA website is that we are looking at a canyon structure in the southern highlands of the planet.

However, subject the picture to magnification under Photoshop, and the real truth comes out. That’s exactly what Dr Stan Hardy, lecturer of planetary geology at the University of Ipswich did, and got the surprise of his life.

“I was amazed at what I saw! At first glance I thought I was looking at the fabled Canals of Mars. But then I was reminded of something.

“A few years ago myself and a colleague had to fly to France in a chartered plane. We had to fly over the M3 – M27 interchange, and in the lanes of traffic, I saw the same series of grooved lines from above. Add to this the sharp meeting of the two supposed “canyons” which the local geographic model does not support, and this points to this being an artificially built system of roads. There is even evidence of roundabout systems in the near vicinity!

“The picture this builds is a revolutionary one. And answers a question astronomers have been asking for centuries. No, there seems to be no evidence of life on Mars today. But yes, there did once exist intelligent life forms on the planet, and they were responsible for building this remarkable road scheme probably before our ancestors on Earth had learned to wield a spear.”

NASA officials today refused to comment on the discovery by Dr Hardy – although this is nothing new. In the ‘70s, the Viking missions discovered the “Face on Mars” structure which NASA quickly dismissed as a natural phenomenon and not conclusive proof of intelligent life on Mars …

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heya..... we totally agree with some of the points you made there. We have been lookin for some quality pictures of mars for a long time. finally ..... :) so. hope u update soon. wot r ur other interests. we like bloomingdales (or bloomies as we like to call it). wot else do we like? uuuum shoes. every1 does. ttys hopefully.
S and T xxx

11:14 pm

Blogger WhiteCrowUK said...

Hi Sherri and Tiffany

Well my other interests are pretty much listed here - an embracing love of all which as geeky!

9:44 pm


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