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Friday, March 24, 2006

Police investigate possible abuse at Wayne Manor

Officers today used a warrant to enter the home of 45-year-old businessman Bruce Wayne, which is located on the outskirts of Gotham.

A lawyer, speaking on behalf of Mr Wayne, said the search was connected to sexual abuse allegations brought by a 12-year-old boy. But a publicist for Wayne Tech later would only state that Mr Wayne - who was not at home - had no idea what the search was about, and promised full co-operation.

Authorities in Gotham did not give reasons for the search, saying only it was part of a criminal investigation.

"At 8.30 am (1630GMT) the officers from Gothams police department and district attorney's office executed a search warrant at the Wayne manor in connection with a criminal matter," read police commissioner Jim Gordon from a prepared statement.

But Mr Gordon did confirm that it involved an allegation of sexual molestation.

"The search warrant indicates there is an accusation of abuse on a 12-year-old boy,” he said.

He added that the warrant indicated that the investigation had been going on for two months.

Those close to Mr Wayne believe the allegations could revolve around a young boy who has recently been made a ward of Mr Wayne after the tragic death of his parents in a circus accident. “Fellow pupils of the boy have come forward to the authorities after noticing the unusual number of injuries the boy has sustained recently” said district attorney Harvey Dent. “These have included bruises and rope burns around the wrists and feet of a possible sexual nature. As a precautionary measure we have removed the boy from this environment and taken him into care. Mr Wayne will be helping the police with their inquiries, but I would like to emphasise he has not been charged with any offence at this time”.

The investigation continues …

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