The H.M.S. Invincible – “The Love Boat”

The H.M.S. Invincible was one of the first ships in the Royal Navy to have women serving aboard it in modern times. Up until this point, all-male crews served aboard ship, and it was seen as bad luck to have women on board.
The Navy admiralty was up in arms over the change, as male crew got a little wild at having seeing a feminine figure onboard. There was real concern that seamen would go “girl crazy” and onboard relationships would cause the breakdown of Navy family life. In the rest of the Royal Navy fleet, the H.M.S Invincible soon developed the nickname “The Love Boat”.
“The Royal Navy has a long tradition of practising homosexuality at sea.”, complained one Admiral, “This sort of behaviour leads to ratings believing it’s alright to be straight whilst onboard, and is against the fine tradition of the Royal Navy going back before Nelson”.
The Crow believes it may have been these rumours of the H.M.S. Invincible making love and not war which caused the ship to be mothballed in 2005, read here.
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