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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Big Brother Comment … Sam

Weep for the Crow – okay he was forced to watch Big Brother over the weekend – but today he watched of his own free will, and feels so dirty for it.

The main reason was after the revelation of Sam the pre-op transsexual on Monday night. After going “no that’s not a man surely”, I had all kinds of horror stories going around my head about how this would be handled.

In the 2004 version of Big Brother, there was contestant Nadia who was a post-op transsexual.

The Crow is pretty much a tolerant kind of person, and believes people have a right as private individuals to make their own choices. So I don’t have issues with Nadia or Sam and their lifestyles.

What I objected from what I saw in the 2004 show was everyone who was evicted was taken away for interview with Davina, and always she would pose the questions “did you know Nadia used to be a man?”.

My objection is there that it turns the program into trying to provoke a reaction from someone, and makes out the only reason Nadia was on the show was because of the shock value of “she used to be a man”. And it felt like the program makers were being a little exploitative, trying to use Nadia as a bit of a “freak show” to shock the public and contestants – there was no other participant whose personal secrets were laundered publicly for every contestant.

But maybe I’m being a little unfair as it’s a narrow tightrope between being exploitative of someone who is different, and trying to show in a program diversity of people and their lives, and maybe that very diversity makes for a more interesting program.

I had visions of the Big Brother makes deliberately putting Sam in the house in the guise of a woman to cause some kind of Nasty Nick revelation when someone catches her in the bathroom and notices she has some extra equipment.

Thankfully that won’t be the case, as Sam was quite open an honest about herself from the start with the other housemates. So people know and will just have to get on with it.

The only shame in my eyes is it seems one of the least shallow (and most attractive) girls in the house, is actually a bloke.
Funny old world!

Now the Crow needs to kick this habbit before it's too late ...

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...


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