Reality TV – the solution to society’s ills

But could it be a solution to societies ills? Consider this.
A person on Income Support/Jobseekers allowance recieves,
- £57.45 per week (source here)
- get their own room/flat paid for
- are generally miserable
Compare this with contestants (or do I mean "inmates"?) on Big Brother
- food allowance for 11 people starting from £36.23 (source here)
- have to share rooms and facilities
- are generally happy and enjoying themselves (as they expect a paper to buy their story when they exit).

The solution must be then to create a series of 100,000 Big Brother homes for the unemployed. Of course these homes and the antics inside will never be shown on television. However as the inmates are in isolation from the outside world, they’ll never be any the wiser as long as you throw in the odd message from Davina.
Occasionally you can have a housemate evicted, however instead of being released to a photographer fanfare and a tabloid clamouring for their sex antics, it’ll be a Jobseekers Officer (who it turns up was Big Brother all along) telling them they have a job in Sainsbury’s collecting trolleys starting tomorrow.
Yes the Crow has seen the future – and it’s Big Brother shaped …
All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...
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