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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Why the Crow now supports the war in Iraq ...

It’s really quite simple you know. I’ve changed my stance and am now in support of the war in Iraq even if our dear leader told the odd untruth and exaggeration to get us into the war.

The reason? Well it’s quite simple really, just look at the personal fate of some of the war’s biggest critics …

David Kelly was a Ministry of Defence specialist in biological weapons. In May 2003, he spoke to the BBC about a dossier which had put together a case that Iraq was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. He claimed Alistair Campbell, the director of communications for the Prime Minister had put pressure to include spurious claims such as Iraq being able to launch weapons of mass destruction “within 45 minutes”.

The subsequent BBC report caused a bit of a scandal, and on 17th July 2003, Dr David Kelly was found dead in the woods after he’d gone for a walk on his own.

An inquiry lead by Lord Hutton (some people say the “Lord” part is important clue as to why he came with his particular verdict here) found Tony and Alistair completely free of blame.

It seems David Kelly was just a very vain man, and the BBC were silly to listen to his wild tales, and it’s no wonder a man so highly strung killed himself. However no mention of why, if the man was such a wild card, Tony Blair used him as one of his chief advisors on Iraq’s WMD program.

The Blair family were so pleased with the end result that Mrs Blair was recently auctioning signed copies of the Hutton report.

On 17th March 2003, Robin Cook resigned as Leader of the House over the Iraq war stating, “I can't accept collective responsibility for the decision to commit Britain now to military action in Iraq without international agreement or domestic support”.

His resignation speech was a shock in political circles, and for a while he became the figurehead of anti-war feelings within Britain.

However on 6th August 2005, he was found dead during a hillwalking holiday. Tony Blair himself was on holiday at this point (for the whole of August no less), however decided not to return for his once close ally’s funeral.

Another once close friend of Tony, who became an outspoken opponent over the war on Iraq.

She was receiving treatment for a brain tumour when she suffered a mysterious head trauma at home on the 3rd August 2005 which put her into a coma. She later died due to complications on 19th August 2005.

Once again Tony Blair was significantly out of the country at the time (before anyone has any wicked conspiracy theories) and stayed on his Bahamas holiday rather than return to the funeral of a woman who was once a close personal friend, until she opposed him on Iraq.


So it’s all rather open and shut isn’t it? If you want to have a long and happy life, just agree with Tony and Alistair, and don’t question the war on Iraq.

I’ll leave our final words with our beloved leader …

“Y’know all I am saying is, just give the war a chance!”

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does he really look like the Joker wearing flesh coloured makeup and brown hair dye?

3:47 pm

Blogger WhiteCrowUK said...

You're right the man is a joke!

He reminds me of the Cheshire cat, and it's really time he dissappeared!

7:49 pm


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