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Monday, June 26, 2006

Scottish ill feeling? Moi?

So what’s with all the Crow’s anti-Scottish sentiment then, you might be asking? Well nothing really, its just a bit of a nervous tick I’ve got going back to 1995.

You see in September 1995, I went for an interview in St Andrews University, and so took the opportunity to stay with some Scottish friends from the internet “Meister” and “Rickster” I’d met through Babylon 5 circles.

Anyway, being their (very English) guest, and awfully polite when they suggested we all go out that night to the local Kilmarnock cinema, I said “sure why not”.

So what did we go to see? Well what film do two die hard Scottish nationalist take their English friend to see but Mel Gibson’s Braveheart.

I’ve never so hated a movie in my life – I’ve rewatched it since, and it isn’t that bad. But the film depicts all the English as evil and scheming, and going around killing them to be the best thing a Scot can do.

I felt a little like an African American being taken by some friends to a party, to find out it’s a Klu Klux Klan fundraiser.

I mean the film is LONG at 3 hours, and the looks of hate I got for just going to the loo part way through.

It’s the only film I’ve seen which received a standing ovation at the end.

On the way back a fellow member of the audience, high off the film came up to me mistaking me for a fellow Scot “hey what about that film, didn’t we just show those English bastards hey?”.

Fortunately being a bit of an actor I can occasionally pull something out of the bag. “Aye” I managed to reply in a slightly wet Take the High Road brogue, make tracks with great speed out of there …

"There's an Englishman in this theatre - get him!"

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...


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