Welcome to my world ... All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Oh the irony!

The Crow is in big trouble on one of his forums this week.

There was a group on one of the boards telling other watchers of a particular show what they should do (the polite version of this was "go away"). Incensed by this I commented on the disturbing Nazi mentality that seemed to be building.

Ooops - seems acting like a bully is one thing, calling them a Nazi is a crime of a different colour. I received a warning from a moderator, for which I apologised in a private mail, and on the public board vowed not to use the phrase again.

However at the dead of night, the moderator decided to keep me quiet by coming back, banning my account and effectively causing me to dissapear. Which of course is not at all like a Nazi is it?

Well to be fair it isn't, as removing someone and erasing their past is kind of more Stalinist than Nazi, but that kind of talk isn't going to help my appeal with the head moderator!

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can think of a certain Forum where this almost happened to me too.

12:47 am


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