The Crow is getting old ...

Last year the Crow took part in an interesting experiment ...
I used to love Rugby, and played it until I was 16. For some reason 20 years on I started to feel pangs that I'd never play again.
The solution? I joined a local rugby team of course, egged on by an old school comrade. And the first thing I noticed was how much more it seemed to hurt than when I was a teenager.
But with perserverance I got stronger, fitter and faster. Until one practise in November when the Crow tried to tackle a First Team player with dire results (my arm stayed with him, my body went elsewhere).
One dislocated shoulder later I was off to the local infirmary, where thanks to a heck of a lot of drugs and the healing touch of a lady I now know only as Doctor Kate, I was relocated with my shoulder and on the long road to recovery.
I remember Doctor Kate as being rather nice (artists impression below) but I was on more drugs than I'd ever been in my life, and even told my nurse they were lovely too - problem being my nurse was male!

The moral of the lesson, don't be a 35 year old trying to play a rough game with folks who are considerably faster, younger and fitter ...
All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...
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