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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Oh the hypocrisy …

The Amish way of life is typically to shun modern ways and embrace a simpler and more spiritual way of life. Theirs is a lifestyle free of technology, cars and computers …

So how come so many of them have their own websites?

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...


Blogger WhiteCrowUK said...

I'm sure they don't know - they probably think there are little people inside the machine or something.

As a software engineer myself I would love to take away one of their youngfolk and teach them the gentle art of software engineering. I think starting from a clean slate would be far better than some graduates I've seen fresh out of college who have "big ideas" (read as "bad ideas") ...

11:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've commented on this a long time ago. People keep getting defencive for the Armish saying they hire other people to do their web sites, but as far as I'm concerned it's still hypocrisy. Either accept the technology or reject it.

5:56 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, totally agree there mate. The Amish are such bloody hypocrites. Although it would be pretty cool to travel around with a horse and cart, don't ya think? Except they do wear pretty crappy outfits. They most certainly need the help of Trinny and Susannah. ttys, S and T xox

10:01 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those websites that have the word "amish" or "amisch" in their titles, of course that does not mean they are amish who run those sites.

2:14 am


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