Hippies on the beach ...

Over the last week the cargo ship MSC Napoli ran aground.
Originally this story was about the ecological disaster of another oil spill on the shoreline of Brittain. However as the cargo from the ship has started to wash ashore, suddenly the story has changed to people "looting" the washed up cargo (including luxury goods) for themselves.
Usually when such a disaster happens, some do-gooding ecologically friendly hippies are first on hand to help clear the oil off the beaches and wildlife. But surely this would represent the ultimate temptation ...

"We've come to help revive the sea birds devestated by this ecological dis ... oooh is that a BMW K1200S Motorbike? F*** this, I've always wanted one."
"But Dave you hate motorcycles, they poison the ecosphere. We're suppose to shun materialistic possessions."
"P*** off, I'm out of here hippie freak."

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...
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