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Monday, March 27, 2006

Trojans …

According to Greek myth, the Trojan War began when Paris of Troy kidnapped Helen of Sparta taking her back to the walled city of Troy.

The Greeks launched a fleet against Troy to wage war and break the city. However the Trojans took refuge behind their walls, leaving the Greek army to lay siege to the city for 10 years in a hopeless stalemate. Then one morning the Trojans looked out to see the Greek army gone. It seemed that the Greeks had given up, leaving behind a great wooden horse as a tribute to the people of Troy who they could not vanquish.

The people of Troy rejoiced, and brought the horse into their city, beginning a cycle of feasting and celebration. Of course it was one of the greatest military deceptions of all time, and that night, with the defenders of Troy drunk and their guard down, the horse split open, releasing a hoard of Greek soldiers who opened the city gates, allowing the full Greek army access to the city, ravaging the city and it’s people.

The story of Troy then is a cautionary one about the failure of defences. A warning about opening your gates, and letting something through which might release mayhem past your defences ...

Thus in most of the world, the word Trojan is synonymous with something which infiltrates defences – a good example being the Trojan dialer virus, which gets past a computers security for dial up modems, then dials a premium rate number.

The exception to this of course is of course in America, where Trojans are one of the number one makers of condoms. Oh the irony …

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trojan condoms - Try our new/improved horse-proof range.

5:26 pm


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