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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Send lads mags to the top shelf? Another MP's in need of some publicity!

From the BBC News today,

Sexually explicit "lads mags" should be banished to the top shelf by law, a Labour MP has told the Commons.

Claire Curtis-Thomas wants an independent regulator to restrict the display of such magazines in a bid to stop children from buying them.

She says some of the publications are "repulsive" and "degrading to women".

So just who is this Claire Curtis-Thomas, MP for Crosby?

Well thankfully the Crow has found a wonderful new website called They Work For You – which tells you how active your MP is and how they vote on key issues.

So looking up this Ms. Curtis-Thomas here, we find that she is a bit of a Blairite through and through, voting for some of his favourite pet causes, but there is an even more disturbing pattern to her voting on closer inspection …


Claire Curtis-Thomas, MP for Crosby has voted,
  • Moderately for equal gay rights.
  • Quite strongly for introducing foundation hospitals.
  • Quite strongly for introducing student top-up fees.
  • Very strongly for Labour's anti-terrorism laws.
  • Very strongly for the Iraq war.

So lets put this all together shall we?
  • she doesn’t think young people should be able to buy lads mags (because there may be nudity in it)
  • she isn’t really terribly keen on young people being able to freely choose their sexuality
  • and she thinks if young people want to study, they should be made to pay through the nose for it (although she seems to have made full use of free education, ironically under a Conservative government)
However she does seem to think the best thing a young person can do is be sent to the front line in Iraq and be killed in the peacekeeping duties there. Bravo!

It’s also interesting to note she has also recorded some of the highest expenses of any MP – no doubt trying to drum up support for these petty issues. I suspect she’ll continue to do so until Mr Blair notices how vocal and loyal she is and gives her a nice little Cabinet position …

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...


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