How music has changed
The Crow recently celebrated his birthday!
In the way of such things of course, there were the obligatory lists about what I'd like - what do you get the man who had everything?
More music! I needed some for my MP3 player - and someone suggested to me as I liked early Genesis, why not try Steely Dan, which has a similar vibe.
As always there's a gulf between what the Crow wants and what he gets. So what I ended up with was an album of Steeleye Span. The difference being that this rather than 70s rock, is (oh the humanity) the Crow's first folk album.

But the really disturbing thing is I felt obliged to listen to it. And like a Straw Dogs violation, the more I listened the more I liked ...
However special merit must go to a song called "Lady Diamond". It's about the daughter of a Lord who falls in love with a servant. When her father finds out he has the boy hung, and the servants heart cut out and given to her.
I think it's safe to say "they don't make 'em like that any more"!!!
All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...