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Friday, January 26, 2007

How music has changed

The Crow recently celebrated his birthday!

In the way of such things of course, there were the obligatory lists about what I'd like - what do you get the man who had everything?

More music! I needed some for my MP3 player - and someone suggested to me as I liked early Genesis, why not try Steely Dan, which has a similar vibe.

As always there's a gulf between what the Crow wants and what he gets. So what I ended up with was an album of Steeleye Span. The difference being that this rather than 70s rock, is (oh the humanity) the Crow's first folk album.

But the really disturbing thing is I felt obliged to listen to it. And like a Straw Dogs violation, the more I listened the more I liked ...

However special merit must go to a song called "Lady Diamond". It's about the daughter of a Lord who falls in love with a servant. When her father finds out he has the boy hung, and the servants heart cut out and given to her.

I think it's safe to say "they don't make 'em like that any more"!!!

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

Someone's out to get the Crow ...

The Crow whenever possible likes to use his bike to commute to work whenever possible. He's like to think this was to save on the environment, however as usually he's forgotten his sandwiches, Mrs Crow causes the same amount of environmental damage following after him in her car.

It's a strange way to get from A to B, as mainly it involves takes your life into your own hands, particularly with the vast number of 4x4s out on the roads, all custom fitted to cause death an injury to any pedestrian or cyclist in it's path.

Today the Crows "meet your maker" moment came courtesy of a Mercedes sports car - don't ask me what type I'm an environmentally friendly biking hippie, ergo I don't know much about cars.

However what was unusual about this car heading towards my company was the registration,


Surely only one person could own that personalised registration ...

"Get you next time Mr. Crow!"

Now seeing as the Crow's company makes software for airplanes, there is the frightening possibility that the airplane of tomorrow might be flown using cutting edge Amstrad technology ...

God help us all!

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hippies on the beach ...

Over the last week the cargo ship MSC Napoli ran aground.

Originally this story was about the ecological disaster of another oil spill on the shoreline of Brittain. However as the cargo from the ship has started to wash ashore, suddenly the story has changed to people "looting" the washed up cargo (including luxury goods) for themselves.

Usually when such a disaster happens, some do-gooding ecologically friendly hippies are first on hand to help clear the oil off the beaches and wildlife. But surely this would represent the ultimate temptation ...

"We've come to help revive the sea birds devestated by this ecological dis ... oooh is that a BMW K1200S Motorbike? F*** this, I've always wanted one."

"But Dave you hate motorcycles, they poison the ecosphere. We're suppose to shun materialistic possessions."

"P*** off, I'm out of here hippie freak."

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

The Crow is getting old ...

Last year the Crow took part in an interesting experiment ...

I used to love Rugby, and played it until I was 16. For some reason 20 years on I started to feel pangs that I'd never play again.

The solution? I joined a local rugby team of course, egged on by an old school comrade. And the first thing I noticed was how much more it seemed to hurt than when I was a teenager.

But with perserverance I got stronger, fitter and faster. Until one practise in November when the Crow tried to tackle a First Team player with dire results (my arm stayed with him, my body went elsewhere).

One dislocated shoulder later I was off to the local infirmary, where thanks to a heck of a lot of drugs and the healing touch of a lady I now know only as Doctor Kate, I was relocated with my shoulder and on the long road to recovery.

I remember Doctor Kate as being rather nice (artists impression below) but I was on more drugs than I'd ever been in my life, and even told my nurse they were lovely too - problem being my nurse was male!

The moral of the lesson, don't be a 35 year old trying to play a rough game with folks who are considerably faster, younger and fitter ...

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

Are all Daleks created equal?

I know there was a lot of controversy over whether Doctor Who should have a black Dalek in it's recent series.

In these days it's politically incorrect to associate the colour black with anything bad. Although in the case of the Dalek, being black means he's in charge, surely something positive.

However does the black Dalek come with any optional extras above and beyond that of a standard Dalek? Air conditioning? Kill fasta ray-gun? Extra leg room (or whatever they have for legs)? Temporal shift?

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Celebrity Cull Anyone?

According to the Wikipedia, a cull is,

the process of selection of surplus animals from an animal population. In a wild population the selection is often done by destroying the animal immediately, in a domesticated situation the culling process involves selection and the selling of surplus stock. The selection may be done to improve breeding stock, for example for improved production of eggs or milk, or simply to control the group's population for the benefit of the environment and other species.

Alas as shows like Celebrity Big Brother show, we have far too many celebrities all trying to live off the same means of light entertainment, and it just won't support the number.

So the humane thing to do would be to replace fox hunting with a kind of ultimate reality. Something a bit like the Running Man with Z-list celebs.

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Celebrity Big Brother - Hello! Exclusive

Following all the excitement of the current Celebrity Big Brother, Hello! magazine has claimed it's exclusive will be to have an A-Team reunion with Dirk Benidicts old pals ...

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