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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Send lads mags to the top shelf? Another MP's in need of some publicity!

From the BBC News today,

Sexually explicit "lads mags" should be banished to the top shelf by law, a Labour MP has told the Commons.

Claire Curtis-Thomas wants an independent regulator to restrict the display of such magazines in a bid to stop children from buying them.

She says some of the publications are "repulsive" and "degrading to women".

So just who is this Claire Curtis-Thomas, MP for Crosby?

Well thankfully the Crow has found a wonderful new website called They Work For You – which tells you how active your MP is and how they vote on key issues.

So looking up this Ms. Curtis-Thomas here, we find that she is a bit of a Blairite through and through, voting for some of his favourite pet causes, but there is an even more disturbing pattern to her voting on closer inspection …


Claire Curtis-Thomas, MP for Crosby has voted,
  • Moderately for equal gay rights.
  • Quite strongly for introducing foundation hospitals.
  • Quite strongly for introducing student top-up fees.
  • Very strongly for Labour's anti-terrorism laws.
  • Very strongly for the Iraq war.

So lets put this all together shall we?
  • she doesn’t think young people should be able to buy lads mags (because there may be nudity in it)
  • she isn’t really terribly keen on young people being able to freely choose their sexuality
  • and she thinks if young people want to study, they should be made to pay through the nose for it (although she seems to have made full use of free education, ironically under a Conservative government)
However she does seem to think the best thing a young person can do is be sent to the front line in Iraq and be killed in the peacekeeping duties there. Bravo!

It’s also interesting to note she has also recorded some of the highest expenses of any MP – no doubt trying to drum up support for these petty issues. I suspect she’ll continue to do so until Mr Blair notices how vocal and loyal she is and gives her a nice little Cabinet position …

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Army of Goats: theory

The horned beast will unleash his Army of Goats to make war with God ...

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Men are from Mondas: Women are from Skaro ...

Let's examine these two archetypes of behaviour ...

The Cyberman

Logic is all – the Cyberman claims that he feels nothing. But this isn’t strictly true, they are just very inhibited. Should they ever lose that inhibition, the sudden rush of emotion can be enough to explode their head.

When faced with a difference of opinion, the Cyberman will try to convert others to their side “you will be like us” being their common chant.

The Dalek

The Dalek is capable of acts of creativity and ingenuity, able to develop to meet any need. However it’s not all smooth sailing, and when things do not work out, the Dalek is liable to rant, scream and fire shots in all directions.

When faced with a difference of opinion, the Dalek will assert themselves over others views claiming “the Daleks are the supreme beings … I cannot acknowledge that any creature is superior to us … EXTERMINATE!”.

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Monday, June 26, 2006

At home with the Tylers: Doctor Who season finale …

Exclusive details have come through regarding how the current series of Doctor Who will end, and how story lines will be picked up in a future spin-off series.

In the final episode, Doomsday, the Cybermen return from their alternate version of Earth, including Rose’s dad Pete who has now been turned into a new Cyberman, eager for promotion to Cyber Leader.

Rose is distraught at this news, and runs home to visit mum Jackie. But alas the Daleks have attacked the Powell estate, and Jackie Tyler has been converted to a Dalek.

However true love finds a way, with Cyberman Pete and Dalek Jackie moving in together and picking up a very different married life.

ITV have confirmed they will pick up the new series “Men are from Mondas: Women are from Skaro” in Spring 2007, which will follow the form of popular sitcom George and Mildred.

Dalek Jackie: The lift’s out again – oh those stairs are murder. Wait a minute has the Cyber Controller been around?

Cyberman Pete: Don’t know what your problem is – your dad is always coming over.

Dalek Jackie: Papa Davros has to come a long way to be here, and at least goes home. He’s had a hard time, and sometimes he just needs a little rant to get it off his chest. Do I have to remind you of your friend who went off the sleep in the freezer?

Dalek Jackie: Now where’s last night episode of Eastenders. Pete – what did you do to the video tape?

Cyberman Pete: Delete. Delete. Delete.

Dalek Jackie: Well that’s it Peter Tyler. You are an inferior being. Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate.

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Barnett: something you don't hear much about ...

Amongst all the calls for how Scotland deserves to be more independant (calls mainly made by Scots who live in England), there rarely seems mentioned the subject of the Barnett subsidy.

Indeed the Crow himself never heard of it until last week. It is a subsidy which equates to an extra £1500 per head to Scotland, which is supported financially by English taxpayers.

"Freedom" indeed ...

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Scottish ill feeling? Moi?

So what’s with all the Crow’s anti-Scottish sentiment then, you might be asking? Well nothing really, its just a bit of a nervous tick I’ve got going back to 1995.

You see in September 1995, I went for an interview in St Andrews University, and so took the opportunity to stay with some Scottish friends from the internet “Meister” and “Rickster” I’d met through Babylon 5 circles.

Anyway, being their (very English) guest, and awfully polite when they suggested we all go out that night to the local Kilmarnock cinema, I said “sure why not”.

So what did we go to see? Well what film do two die hard Scottish nationalist take their English friend to see but Mel Gibson’s Braveheart.

I’ve never so hated a movie in my life – I’ve rewatched it since, and it isn’t that bad. But the film depicts all the English as evil and scheming, and going around killing them to be the best thing a Scot can do.

I felt a little like an African American being taken by some friends to a party, to find out it’s a Klu Klux Klan fundraiser.

I mean the film is LONG at 3 hours, and the looks of hate I got for just going to the loo part way through.

It’s the only film I’ve seen which received a standing ovation at the end.

On the way back a fellow member of the audience, high off the film came up to me mistaking me for a fellow Scot “hey what about that film, didn’t we just show those English bastards hey?”.

Fortunately being a bit of an actor I can occasionally pull something out of the bag. “Aye” I managed to reply in a slightly wet Take the High Road brogue, make tracks with great speed out of there …

"There's an Englishman in this theatre - get him!"

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