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Thursday, June 01, 2006

American troops massacre at Ibiza

Well that's what the Crow thought he heard on the radio this morning. [Ibiza is the clubbing destination of the British youth]

No the news refered to an alleged massacre of Iraqi citizens within the town of Haditha back in 2005. An American convoy was hit by a bomb, and in retaliation, troops fired on residents killing 24 unarmed civilians, including 11 women and children.

It's good to know then that there is an International Criminal Court (ICC) exists to deal with claims of war crimes. Only it doesn't help in this case, as once more American interpretation of "international" means "everyone but America", and American troops who have a form of immunity from the court.

But it's not a total loss - seems in light of this atrocity American troops will have to take lessons in ethics. So that's alright then!

Hail America the great liberator, but just not whilst you're in gun range ...

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Why the Crow now supports the war in Iraq ...

It’s really quite simple you know. I’ve changed my stance and am now in support of the war in Iraq even if our dear leader told the odd untruth and exaggeration to get us into the war.

The reason? Well it’s quite simple really, just look at the personal fate of some of the war’s biggest critics …

David Kelly was a Ministry of Defence specialist in biological weapons. In May 2003, he spoke to the BBC about a dossier which had put together a case that Iraq was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. He claimed Alistair Campbell, the director of communications for the Prime Minister had put pressure to include spurious claims such as Iraq being able to launch weapons of mass destruction “within 45 minutes”.

The subsequent BBC report caused a bit of a scandal, and on 17th July 2003, Dr David Kelly was found dead in the woods after he’d gone for a walk on his own.

An inquiry lead by Lord Hutton (some people say the “Lord” part is important clue as to why he came with his particular verdict here) found Tony and Alistair completely free of blame.

It seems David Kelly was just a very vain man, and the BBC were silly to listen to his wild tales, and it’s no wonder a man so highly strung killed himself. However no mention of why, if the man was such a wild card, Tony Blair used him as one of his chief advisors on Iraq’s WMD program.

The Blair family were so pleased with the end result that Mrs Blair was recently auctioning signed copies of the Hutton report.

On 17th March 2003, Robin Cook resigned as Leader of the House over the Iraq war stating, “I can't accept collective responsibility for the decision to commit Britain now to military action in Iraq without international agreement or domestic support”.

His resignation speech was a shock in political circles, and for a while he became the figurehead of anti-war feelings within Britain.

However on 6th August 2005, he was found dead during a hillwalking holiday. Tony Blair himself was on holiday at this point (for the whole of August no less), however decided not to return for his once close ally’s funeral.

Another once close friend of Tony, who became an outspoken opponent over the war on Iraq.

She was receiving treatment for a brain tumour when she suffered a mysterious head trauma at home on the 3rd August 2005 which put her into a coma. She later died due to complications on 19th August 2005.

Once again Tony Blair was significantly out of the country at the time (before anyone has any wicked conspiracy theories) and stayed on his Bahamas holiday rather than return to the funeral of a woman who was once a close personal friend, until she opposed him on Iraq.


So it’s all rather open and shut isn’t it? If you want to have a long and happy life, just agree with Tony and Alistair, and don’t question the war on Iraq.

I’ll leave our final words with our beloved leader …

“Y’know all I am saying is, just give the war a chance!”

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

The other reality show: Springwatch

Thankfully it’s not just Big Brother which gets the Crow family hooked on TV this time of year!

This is our favourite time as Bill Oddie, Kate Humble and Simon King present the program Springwatch – it’s a fascinating look at the natural wildlife of Britain over the next few week.

We’ve watched it for several years now, and absolutely love it as we’re minor league birdwatchers ourselves.

It's of no surprise then that someone's personal favourite bird is the Crow itself - they are scavengers, but they are great survivors and one of the most intelligent birds in the world. And unlike many birds they've adapted to thrive off mankind, being as populous in urban areas as rural areas.

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Big Brother Comment … Sam

Weep for the Crow – okay he was forced to watch Big Brother over the weekend – but today he watched of his own free will, and feels so dirty for it.

The main reason was after the revelation of Sam the pre-op transsexual on Monday night. After going “no that’s not a man surely”, I had all kinds of horror stories going around my head about how this would be handled.

In the 2004 version of Big Brother, there was contestant Nadia who was a post-op transsexual.

The Crow is pretty much a tolerant kind of person, and believes people have a right as private individuals to make their own choices. So I don’t have issues with Nadia or Sam and their lifestyles.

What I objected from what I saw in the 2004 show was everyone who was evicted was taken away for interview with Davina, and always she would pose the questions “did you know Nadia used to be a man?”.

My objection is there that it turns the program into trying to provoke a reaction from someone, and makes out the only reason Nadia was on the show was because of the shock value of “she used to be a man”. And it felt like the program makers were being a little exploitative, trying to use Nadia as a bit of a “freak show” to shock the public and contestants – there was no other participant whose personal secrets were laundered publicly for every contestant.

But maybe I’m being a little unfair as it’s a narrow tightrope between being exploitative of someone who is different, and trying to show in a program diversity of people and their lives, and maybe that very diversity makes for a more interesting program.

I had visions of the Big Brother makes deliberately putting Sam in the house in the guise of a woman to cause some kind of Nasty Nick revelation when someone catches her in the bathroom and notices she has some extra equipment.

Thankfully that won’t be the case, as Sam was quite open an honest about herself from the start with the other housemates. So people know and will just have to get on with it.

The only shame in my eyes is it seems one of the least shallow (and most attractive) girls in the house, is actually a bloke.
Funny old world!

Now the Crow needs to kick this habbit before it's too late ...

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Reality TV: Oh the humanity!

Mrs Crow hates me. It’s the only way to make sense of it.

The last week I’ve been coming home slightly earlier than usual to be greeted by the wife watching large (and unhealthy) doses of Jade’s Salon.

What’s Jade’s Salon? Perhaps some of you lucky people might be blissfully ignorant. Well it’s a reality show about a woman made famous by a reality show … kind of reality show squared. Basically it follows 2002 Big Brother contestant Jade Goody as she tries to set up her own salon (hence the title).

Who is Jade Goody? Some of you may ask. And that makes the Crow weep – because knowledge isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially when it’s a lack of knowledge of Jade Goody’s existence. Oh you lucky people. Jade is some kind of horrendous caricature made human(ish) in flesh. As is the way with reality TV she was made famous for her monumental stupidity, and a certain vulgarity about her. She’s not done anything since (except for this new Jade’s Salon) and yet she’s always in the papers. Look up the word minging, and Jade Goody will be listed as an example.

Jade Goody: Reality TV made me famous!

A few choice Jade Goody quotes …
  • Where is East Angular [sic], is it abroad?
  • Saddam Hussein - that's a boxer
  • A ferret is a bird
  • I had my first birthday when I was one
  • The Union Jack is for all of us, but the St. George is just for London, isn't it?
  • Do they speak Portuganese in Portugal? I thought Portugal was in Spain
  • Am I minging?
A pox on Big Brother for forcing such people down our throats as celebrities!

Mrs Crow has been keeping me on a short leash this weekend, which has meant I’ve had to watch a few episodes of the new Big Brother – and God help me I was trying to hide behind the sofa from the hideousness of it all. The contestants seem to get younger and younger, and seem all to be desperate wannabe celebrities.

This year on Big Brother there seems an overdose of very pretty model types – boy and girl. This seems in stark contrast to the first series of Big Brother where contestants were on the whole older and more ordinary looking. Heck of the women, there was only one in the first series who was at all attractive (Mel), and she was always professing her undying love to some guy just as he god evicted. On the other end of the scale there was Nicki the arts student that year who would always go sunbathing topless and really you wish she didn’t …

Nichola from Big Brother 1

Well so far the girls seem to have been talking mainly on what kind of magazines they’ll consider modelling for – I guess to get them into a bidding frenzy when they get out. I guess Loaded will have to get their cheque book out if them want one of the girls to “lower herself” to modelling for them.

By far the most pathetic though – and this stuck with me – was one girl actually crying to her housemates “Big Brother is trying to kill me … I’m so dehydrated, because they won’t give me bottled water”.

It’s going to be a long summer – weep for the Crow, weep for us all …

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

craignotbond: okay they have a sense of humour

After my last post about the website CraigNotBond, I sent them a link, expecting them to get all hot under the collar at the Crow.

Instead I got a slightly amusing reply from Mario Bruno - obviously the guys there aren't taking themselves too seriously ...


Hey WhiteCrow, loved your movie! Mind if we link to it in our fan art page?

Also, please check out our Craig In Not Bond Page at http://www.craignotbond.com/craignotbondp1.html. We bet you could do a great Bond video with Mister Potato Head toys, only you would need to sculpt a Daniel Craig head!

Thanks again,



They may have a point on the Mister Potato Head front ...

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