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Friday, February 02, 2007

Phantom roadwork conspiracy ...

Another motorway journey, another 10 miles of roadworks. Okay roads need to be maintained I understand this as I go through reducing my speed 50 miles an hour so I don't kill a workman.

But wait, it's 2pm on a Friday, there are cones galore. But where are the workmen? Or the heavy construction equipment. And come to think about it I've been here before midday and not seen anyone around.

These are roadworks but without any men-at-work, or the sign of a newly laid stretch of tarmac in sight. But there must be roadworks here because there are cones which haven't moved in six months. That MUST mean roadworks shouldn't it?

Well does it. An average 10 mile strip of roadworks, with cones on each side at 1 metre intervals needs 30,000 cones. But what if you don't have any roadworks going? I mean it costs money to store 30,000 cones, and why do that when you can leave them at the side of the motorway for free, and far away from any thieving students. Plus bung in a 50 m.p.h. speed limit and couple of speed cameras and you might even turn a profit.

So there you are - those phantom roadworks, no work actually in progress, just a public method of storing traffic cones!

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...