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Thursday, May 04, 2006

May the 4th be with you: First past the post was ...

David Cameron of the Conservatives ...

Although the humour escaped his secretary! I've had emails from her before though - a very nice lady.


Many thanks for your email to David Cameron - I am replying on his behalf.

Thanks very much for your words of support.

We will all be looking
forward to the results coming through.

Kind regards,

Kate Marley

Correspondence Secretary

David Cameron's Office

House of Commons

London SW1A 0AA



All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Which political party has a sense of humour?

It’s local elections tomorrow, which happen to fall on Thursday 4th May. Yes there's an obvious joke there, and the Crow isn't going to let it pass.

So in his usual style, the Crow has contacted the main political parties of Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives, and has sent them this message …


Good luck with tomorrow's elections.

May the forth be with you!


I wonder if any will have the sense of humour to reply? Watch this space ... but don't hold your breath!

All material copyrighted as bullsh*t ...

Get Lost!

Last night, second season Lost returned to Channel 4 with a double episode. I enjoy Lost, and yet at the same time it infuriates me. Last night typified my problem with it ...

Episode one, everyone started at the top of the mysterious hatch, argued a lot, and only got to the bottom by the end of the episode. Where shock, horror, doctor Jack meets a man he met months before, but was never mentioned before except in this episode.

Roll on the second episode, and it’s almost all told in flashback, with us three-quarters of the way into the episode before we catch up with the end of the last episode, with everyone back at the bottom of the hatch-shaft.

As I've said, I like Lost, but they don’t half seem to spin off the story ad infinitum. It’s in danger of being X-Files vague just for the sake of it.

And talking about doctor Jack, supposedly “the hero” of the piece. Well a worse doctor I don’t think you could meet outside of Harold Shipman’s practise!

In breaking the news to Sarah, a woman he’s just operated on, that she will never be able to walk again, what does he say? He moans that he’s twisted his ankle and it hurts because he was off running up and down stairs – could the big jerk be any more insensitive?

Perhaps I’ll go up to the blind woman around the corner and complain about wearing glasses next huh Jack?

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